An agricultural commenter has hit back at the
NZ Emissions Trading Scheme Review 2011 and the New Zealand Herald editorial
Farmers must share burden on emissions' for saying that there should be no further delay of the 2015 date when agricultural emissions will enter the
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS).
Herald editorial had the temerity to comment on the government's
"extraordinary generosity to farmers" in changing the "modest impositions" of the NZ emissions trading scheme on agriculture so that it
"will become truly timorous".
David Anderson, who is described as a former editor of Rural News and a communications consultant in "teh" (sic) agribusiness sector, has just had an
opinion piece in the Herald (27 September) arguing for a further delay in agriculture's entry into the NZ ETS.
Just as a brief re-cap, in the Clark-Cullen Labour Government's
original version of the NZ ETS, agriculture was 'last in', with unit surrender obligations starting on 1 January 2013; i.e. after the end of the 2008-2012 Kyoto Protocol first commitment period.
In November 2009,
Nick Smith and National changed the start or entry date to 1 January 2015 and confirmed that it would be processors and not individual farmers who would have the obligation to report emissions and surrender units. That was done in the
Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2009 As we know, Federated Farmers can be a bit emotive about the emissions trading scheme, with past President (and now ACT Candidate) Don Nicholson) describing it in 2009 as
the road to hell paved with good intentions.
So lets have a look at David Anderson's arguments. The first argument is;
Why would we want to unfairly penalise New Zealand's agriculture sector - and one of the few sectors with the ability to help the country out of the current economic hole - by imposing taxes when our international competitors are not doing the same?
Because agricultural GHG emissions are the New Zealand's largest source of emissions! It's not that hard to understand.
In 2009, agricultural GHG emissions were 32.8 million tonnes (mt) of CO2-e out of a total of 70.6 million tonnes or 46.5 per cent of New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The energy sector emitted 31.4 mt (44.4%). Industrial processes emitted 4.3 mt (6.2%). Waste emitted 2.0 mt (2.9%). Solvents and other products emitted 0.03 mt (0.04%) according to the Ministry for the Environment
Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2011. Other developed countries who have
signed up for the Kyoto Protocol obligations just don't have agriculture dominating their GHG emissions like New Zealand. For example, here's a chart comparing New Zealand and Australian agricultural GHG emissions.
Lawyer Toni Moyes points out in a 2008 paper in the Ecology Law Quarterly, 35:4, pp. 911–966; Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in New Zealand: Trailblazing Comprehensive Cap and Trade that New Zealand is "fundamentally different" from European countries where carbon dioxide from the energy sector emits 80% of GHG emissions.
Moyes concludes "Thus, if non-CO2 gases were excluded, the NZ ETS would ignore over half of the problem. Likewise, sectors typically excluded from ETS must be included in the NZ ETS in order to address the majority of emissions. The NZ ETS would be far less effective if agriculture, the single biggest emitter, was ignored."
I could not put that better. It is not "unfair" to include agriculture in the emissions trading scheme, it is essential.
Also, I have to point out that Anderson completely omits to mention the fact that agriculture, once it does enter the NZ ETS, will have (arguably) the most generous free allocation of emissions units of any sector of the economy. Under an ETS, emissions units must somehow get into a trading market. They may be either auctioned to emitters (obviously most wealth-enhancing for the tax payer) or "grandfathered", allocated for free to existing emitters. New Zealand has chosen to 'gift', or allocate for free, all domestic NZ units.
According the Ministry for the Environment, free allocation of units to agriculture will be 90 per cent of the emissions baseline and will phase out at 1.3 per cent per annum from 2016. The baseline will be the industry average emissions per unit of output. The allocation will be uncapped, meaning that there is no set limit on the number of units that may be allocated. Further, there are NO eligibility tests or thresholds for agricultural allocation, meaning that all agriculture participants will be eligible for an allocation.
So the entry of agriculture to the NZ ETS in 2015 will be cushioned by 90%. Or the GHG price signal will be reduced by 90% (compared to other sectors) down to 10% via free allocation. The free allocation percent will be based on "average output", which will be gazetted in regulations. Any processor who does 'better than average' will be in for a windfall gain. Again this is hardly the imposition of an unfair tax.
Number two argument is:
I don't see how handicapping our main economic driver will reduce international greenhouse gases. Surely all that will do is shift the production of these agricultural greenhouse gases from New Zealand to another country?
This is the carbon leakage argument. That businesses and their emissions will relocate to other jurisdictions to escape a carbon price.
Dr Jan Wright, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, pretty much shot to pieces the agricultural carbon leakage argument in her
submission on the 2009 amendments to the NZ ETS.
Dr Wright noted that National was proposing to base allocation of units to agriculture on the industrial allocation model in the Australian
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (which was in 2009 only a proposal and which was withdrawn in 2010).
"There is no justification for treating allocation to the agricultural sector the same as industrial processes, either here or in Australia. The impact of the ETS on agriculture is very different to that of industrial process sectors. Productive agricultural land can not be shipped offshore...Carbon credits should not be allocated to prevent an unlikely event."The nail in the coffin is from Suzi Kerr, an economist who has specialised in permit trading. She had this to say in
her submission to the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme Review 2011:
."A small, but crucial, point on agricultural emissions is that all available empirical evidence suggests that leakage of land and production out of the agricultural sector in response to greenhouse gas costs would be small. This evidence is summarised in Kerr and Zhang (2009). Number three argument is;
It has always argued that it's crazy for New Zealand farmers to be hit with the costs of an ETS when they had no way of mitigating these
This is the 'Agriculture can't mitigate' argument. As blogger Idiot/Savant said in his blog
No Right Turn, this is simply untrue. The Sustainability Council wrote a report
A Convenient Untruth in 2007 that argues that there are significant mitigation options for agriculture.
Anyway, Anderson almost immediately contradicts this statement in the next paragraph when he states
"There is already evidence - which is also noted by Caygill's Review Panel - that the agriculture sector is reducing its greenhouse gases (my emphasis). Emissions per unit of product from agriculture have fallen by about 1.3 per cent a year over the past 20 years - due to improved management, animal genetics, pasture and crop genetics and technological changes. Opportunities for further reductions included the use of forestry on marginal or erosion-prone land, nitrification inhibitors, and "good practice" management techniques that increase productivity."
Its great that agriculture is reducing emissions! Those responsible deserve all credit for it. However, the advocates of agriculture such as Anderson need to be reminded that reducing emissions is the same as mitigating them!
Anderson's fourth argument is that
"critics and environmental doomsayers" are "making claims about farmers being subsidised".
And that it is unfair and selective to say farmers are getting a free ride.
Look, as far as I'm concerned, we all have an obligation to do something about climate change. New Zealand's climate change policy reflects that. New Zealand has emissions reduction targets and climate change policies and commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and the
UNFCCC. All of us share the responsibility of making New Zealand's emissions reductions policies work. If we leave out agriculture, the sector of the economy that is the biggest emitter of GHGs, then that is unfair to everyone else. This is just agricultural special pleading over the emissions trading scheme.