31 August 2019

If we can't tidy up the NZ emissions trading scheme can we tidy up the dataframe of the free allocation of units

I do some data cleaning and tidy up the EPA's table of 2018 free giveaway emissions units.

In this follow up post about the EPA's non-tidy table of 2018 industrial allocation/free giveaway of emissions units, I use a great opensource programme OpenRefine to tidy the allocation data into a 'tidy' format of 'each variable is a column, each row is a an observation and each cell is a value'.

I have recorded my commands as much for my own benefit in the future if and when I try to replicate the commands. There's a joke in the reproducible research online community "the hardest person to email questions to is yourself three years ago".

Assuming you have installed OpenRefine to your Linux Debian based operating system, open a terminal window and type:

cd /home/user/Refine/openrefine-3.2/

Type './refine' and press enter

Wait for Firefox to start at IP which will start OpenRefine

Go to the Google sheet obtained from the EPA webpage https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1arfDpqiXg84SwTAiY5TWzDxOJNrnJxvG9GgyBY8jCRM/ and download the .csv file to '/home/user/Downloads'

Copy the downloaded .csv file to /home/user/Refine/openrefine-2.6-beta.1/

Go back to Firefox and enter "" into the address bar. That will open OpenRefine.

In OpenRefine, select the button "Create a project by importing data"

Browse to and select /Refine/openrefine-2.6-beta.1/NZ-emission-unit-industrial-allocation-decisions-EPA-2018 - Sheet1.csv

Click on 'Next' button and 'create new project'

Select and tick 'ignore first line at the beginning of the file

Tick 'Parse next 1 line as column headers'

Click on 'create new project'

We should have 108 rows of data - look at the second column, it mixes two variables, 'Applicants name' and 'Activity'

Edit column - Add new column 'Activity' based on column *Activity and Applicant's Name* - add name 'Activity'

write " if(value.startsWith("*"), value[1,37],"")" into the Expression box. That moves only the activities into their own column.

Edit column, Add column based on column Applicants Name called 'Name'

in the Expression box , leave 'value' in box and copy the column by selecting 'ok'

Select Activity column, edit cells, fill down (fills all Activities to empty cells)

Edit column - Add new column 'Year' based on column *Activity and Applicant's Name* - add name 'Year' and value '2018' in expression box

Select the header *2018 Final Unit Entitlement*, edit cells, common transforms, to number

Select the header *2018 Final Unit Entitlement*, select Facet, numeric facet, go to left side of dashboard, untick 'numeric' box, leave 'blank' box (24 records) ticked,

Select column 'All', then Edit rows, remove all matching rows (that leaves 84 rows with no blank cells in *2018 Final Unit Entitlement*)

Select column *Activity and Applicant's Name*, Edit column, Remove this column

Select column *Activity", Edit column - Add new column 'Activity' based on column 'Activity2' - add name 'Activity' and expression in box enter value.replace("*","") - to remove the *. And we have a tidy data table!

Click on the data project name at the top and just right of the "OpenRefine" label "NZ-emission-unit-industrial-allocation-decisions-EPA-2010-2018-Sheet1-csv". Change the name to "NZ emission unit industrial allocation decisions EPA 2018 tidy"

Select 'Export' (in top right corner) as a .csv file

Upload the csv file to Google Drive via the Gdrive command line utility

Open a xterminal window, for first upload enter;

gdrive upload /home/user/Refine/NZ-emission-unit-industrial-allocation-decisions-EPA-2018-tidy.csv

In Google sheets i changed the file's name to "NZ-emission-unit-industrial-allocation-decisions-EPA-2018-tidy" and I 'shared' the file to 'public'.

Download the file to your computer and open it with a spreadsheet program such as gnumeric.

We can see that we now have a tidy dataframe where each variable is a column, each row is a an observation and each cell is a value - the number of emissions units given away for free to greenhouse gas emitters under the NZ emissions trading scheme.

25 August 2019

Industrial allocation of ETS emissions units to emitters is subsidizing polution forever

On 31 July, the indefatigable Idiot/Savant of No Right Turn blog reported that the Government had decided to start a very gradual phase-out of 'free allocation' of emissions units to industrial emitters.

The media statement released by James Shaw states:

"The plan is to begin phasing down industrial allocation at 1 per cent per year from 2021-2030, then at 2 per cent from 2030-2041, and at 3 per cent per year from 2041-2050".

To quote Idiot/Savant:

"And when you do the maths, it means the government will still be subsidising highly intensive industrial polluters by 20% of their emissions in 2050, the year we're supposed to be at net-zero emissions.
This is bullshit, simply bullshit. And it is bullshit neither the country nor the planet can afford".

Idiot/Savant termed this "Pollution forever". I agree with him. This is just an appalling policy. Every emission unit given for free to an emitter is a right to emit one tonne of greenhouse gases. Its a voucher for pollution. It's worse than that, it's an instruction to pollute. Every unit allocated represents a blunting of the price incentive to reduce emissions. It's exactly the same as the Government giving the emitters petrol (or coal) vouchers paid for by the taxpayer. I am amazed that James Shaw can even put his name to this policy.

Idiot/Savant is the only blogger, or commentator for that matter, in New Zealand, who is regularly providing hard analysis of climate change and emissions trading scheme policy. In a further post, he looks at how the free industrial allocation of units will benefit New Zealand's largest industrial emitters; NZ Steel, New Zealand Aluminum Smelters Ltd, Ballance Agri-Nutrients (Urea) and Methanex (methanol).

In this post, I am going to go through the steps to obtain the latest data, for the 2018 calendar year, of free allocation of emissions units from the webpage of the NZ Environmental Protection Authority. And then upload it to Google sheets.

Here is the EPA webpage listing the final annual allocations from 2010 to 2018.

Okay, we need to scroll down and expand the tabs to see the data.

We see that the industrial activity of aluminium smelting always leads off. New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Limited received 1.3 million units for 2018. Alphabetical order is after all the text version of linear progression.

The EPA web site has a copyright statement saying that a Creative Commons International Attribution licence applies to their website.

And Section 86B "Decisions on applications for allocations of New Zealand units to industry and agriculture" of the Climate Change Response Act requires the EPA to publish the final allocation numbers in the Gazette and on the EPA website.

So the industrial free allocation data is intended to be available to and used by the public. However, the EPA does not provide a link for downloading the data in an 'open data' format such as text, .csv or spreadsheet. There is a table. However it is not in a 'tidy' format. The variable denoting the industrial activity for which the emitter is eligible for allocation has a row to itself. In a tidy format, each variable would be a column and each observation a row.

To obtain the data, I am going to repeat a 'webscrape' I have used before. I create a new google sheet. I insert the url of the EPA Industrial allocation decision webpage into cell 'A1'. I insert the text '=importhtml(A1,"table",1)' into cell A2. And the full table of the 2018 year unit allocation data appears in the sheet.

The next step will be cleaning the data to make it 'tidy' Then some data analysis. That can be a new post.

13 August 2019

Inaction on Agriculture - pastoral agriculture gets feather bedded into the emissions trading scheme

At 4:58 p.m., two minutes before the deadline, I uploaded my submission to the Ministry for the Environment's In Action on Agriculture consultation.

This is about the Government's response to the first report of the Interim Climate Change Committee. The proposal is extremely disappointing. It involves 'feather bedding' New Zealand's pastoral agriculture sector into the emissions trading scheme by giving the public a Hobson's choice of two completely compromised proposals.

First weak option; agriculture joins the emissions trading scheme from 2025 with the weakest obligation possible (i.e. after a free allocation of emissions units equal to 95% of emissions - and at the most complex way possible - at farm level.

Or - the second weak option; the industry runs their own scheme, also based on a free allocation of emissions units equal to 95% of emissions at farm level from 2025.

The Ministry helpfully provides a set of questions submitters have to navigate through. Some of which pre-suppose certain limits to the answers. I have underlined each question and then provided my response.

1. What is the best way to incentivise farmers to reduce on-farm emissions?

I do not agree that this is the correct question to ask. The framing of the question pre-supposes the answer. The more objective, neutral and policy-relevant question is "What are the best policies to reduce emissions from the pastoral agriculture sector?"

I consider that the proposals are compromised and inadequate responses to the urgent need to reduce agricultural emissions. They are clearly not fit for purpose.

The proposals are so weak in terms of price, scope, timeliness, exceptions, excessive unit allocations, complexity and difficulty of implementation - that they are worse than doing nothing.

The proposals, if implemented, would undermine the role of the yet to be established Independent Climate Commission by predetermining the agricultural emissions targets and 5 year budgets.

I recommend that neither proposal is accepted.

I recommend that pastoral agriculture be entered into the emissions trading scheme at processor level from 2020 with no free allocation of emissions units.

2. Do the pros of pricing emissions at farm level outweigh the cons, compared with processor level, for (a) livestock and (b) fertiliser? Why or why not?

Even the consideration of pricing emissions at farm level is the incorrect framing to apply. Farm level pricing would not be fit for purpose. It is highly problematic in terms of price, scope, timeliness, exceptions, excessive unit allocations, complexity and difficulty of implementation. Processor level pricing is efficient and sends an effective emission price back through the value chain.

3. What are the key building blocks for a workable and effective scheme that prices emissions at farm level?

There are no feasible building blocks for a workable and effective scheme that prices emissions at farm level. The framing of this question is not appropriate as it presupposes the outcome.

The notion of a "workable and effective scheme that prices emissions at farm level" is currently a figment of the imagination.

From the point of view of establishing reasonably effective policy, it has become an unrealistic and unachievable expectation of 'best' policy. In this consultation, it has the role "letting the perfect be the enemy of the good" and being given as a reason to try to implement the most difficult , the most time-consuming and most impractical point of obligation.

4. What should the Government be taking into consideration when choosing between Option 1: pricing emissions at the processor level through the NZ ETS and Option 2: a formal sector-government agreement?

The Government should be considering the interplay of the 2019 'zero carbon bill' debate and of the dogged determination of the pastoral agriculture interests to avoid any regulation of their emissions.

I question the utility of negotiating a detailed ETS/emissions policy agreement with pastoral agriculture sector, when the pastoral agriculture organisations do not accept or agree with the higher level goal - the proposed 2050 methane target in zero carbon bill. How can there be a 'partnership' approach when the partners do not even agree what the methane target is?

Dairy NZ, Federated Farmers, and Beef and Lamb NZ have a uniform and consistent position of opposing any methane target above 'business as usual' incremental changes in efficiency. The only mitigation they will tolerate will be technology-based 'supply side' reductions in intensity in per unit of output. Such technology has been researched at the tax payers expense for about a decade.

In short, their position on New Zealand's 'zero carbon' targets, is that there should be no absolute reduction in methane emissions, no absolute reduction in stock numbers and no changes in land use in the pastoral sector to lower-emission land use.

Given the firmly and repeatedly articulated viewpoint of the pastoral lobby, I was very surprised on 16 July 2019, to read about Ministers Shaw and O'Connor announcing "Consensus reached on reducing agricultural emissions".

This must a different definition of 'consensus' than the one from my dictionary. The Ministers and the pastoral lobby have opposite views on the proposed 2050 methane target in the zero carbon amendment bill. How can a partnership compromise proceed without agreement on the basic methane target?

The tactics of the pastoral agricultural lobbyists are clear; to delay policy timing/implementation by promoting the problematic farm-level obligation and to minimise policy scope by including minimal targets and exceptions/discounts through excessive free allocation of units. Then wait out a period of 'wet bus ticket' compromised and ineffectual policy until it is removed by the next National-led Government.

Todd Muller of the National Party is on record that the next National government will lower the 2050 the methane target (speech to Federated Farmers Taranaki AGM in Stratford on 24 May) and that National will never put pastoral agriculture in the emissions trading scheme (interview with Jack Tame of 'Q & A' on 23 July).

If the proposed 2050 methane target is lowered to about 20% over 30 years (the same as past efficiency gains), as Dairy NZ, Federated Farmers, and Beef and Lamb NZ have submitted, I absolutely question if is there any point adopting either proposal.

Research into mitigation of agricultural emissions

The Productivity Commission (2018) on pages 312 and 313 notes that the Government invests roughly $20 million each year into mitigation research, most of which helped fund three research centres.

1. The Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium, set up in 2003.
2. The New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre, established in 2009.
3. The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) in 2009.

As a taxpayer, I do not begrudge the significant investment of tax that has been invested in researching mitgation technologies for methane and nitrous oxide. I accept that the benefits could help many countries. However, I do not see that research can be a substitute for mitigation for an indefinite time.

I consider that indefinite time has passed and there is a 'quid pro quo' that applies. Given the research funding, and given the past decade-long exemption of agriculture from the ETS, I think it is now unconscionable for pastoral agriculture to be evading emissions reduction policies. I consider this applies whether the evasion of policies is - by seeking a 'zero methane' target or by seeking 95% free allocation of units or by seeking farm-level point of obligation. This just isn't acceptable.

5. As an interim measure, would Option 1: pricing emissions at the processor level through the NZ ETS with recycling of funds raised back to the sector to incentivise emissions reduction or Option 2: a formal Government-industry agreement for reducing emissions be best? Why?

What will be best will be emissions pricing implemented on the basis of standard economics principles such as 'pricing the externality', 'polluter pays', 'finite emissions cap' and 'processor level point of obligation'.

I recommend that pastoral agriculture be entered into the emissions trading scheme at processor level from 2020 with no allocation of emissions units.

6. What additional steps should we be taking to protect relevant iwi/Māori interests, in line with the Treaty of Waitangi?

The Ministry should already have carried out a suitable process of consultation with iwi and hapu. The consultation document does not mention any consultation. I find that unsatisfactory. The Ministry should be taking into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. That requires, at a minimum, consultation. The Productivity Commission 2018 report into the low emissions economy discussed issues affecting iwi and hapu and it is a poor reflection on the consultation document that it doesn't.

7. What barriers or opportunities are there across the broader agriculture sector for reducing agricultural emissions? What could the Government investigate further?

The main barriers to reducing agricultural emissions are the pastoral agricultural lobbyists Dairy NZ, Federated Farmers, and Beef and Lamb NZ and their preferred political party the National Party. Their positions and actions and statements show that they are a generation behind urban New Zealanders (and many farmers) in terms of responding to climate change. They say they accept the science and that it supports their position of no policy and no absolute reduction in emissions. And that they are already the world's most efficient farmers. They are, to coin a term, 'mitigation deniers'.

The Government should investigate "less cows" - which is otherwise known as 'demand side management' or changes in land use (to lower emissions uses).

The ICCC report only mentions the option of change in land use once in it's report. Todd Muller has even embarrassed himself in stating to TV One, to Radio New Zealand that Te Papa is not allowed to mention "less cows" in the context of a exhibition on declining water quality.

8. What impacts do you foresee as a result of the Government’s proposals in the short and the long term?

In the short term the implementation of either proposal will involve almost insurmountable practical difficulties that will result in no practical reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from pastoral agriculture.

Nor will the Government be thanked for it's compromise. It will only earn further scorn from the agriculture sector for 'imposing' an 'impractical' policy on them. There is nothing some agricultural interests like more than criticising governments and bureaucrats for not being 'practical'.

In the long term the implementation of either proposal will be remembered as yet another failed implementation of emissions pricing where the political lobbying of the sector's vested interests prevented effective policy.